Friday, June 17, 2011


I look at the fork in my path,
A way which leads to my right,
Another which leads to the left,
I know not which to walk.

I know not from where I came,
I know not which path to take,
This path I had followed so long,
Nine years since I saw another way.

Perhaps this is god saving me,
Nine years have been treacherous,
Nine years have been painful,
Now I have a chance to save my soul.

I know not where which path leads,
For the future is a mystery to all,
Perhaps a new path could lead,
To either serenity or maybe..

Maybe into treachery unknown,
Perhaps treachery unmatched,
Nine years since that curse,
The curse laid by a fallen angel.

Perhaps the fork in the road,
Is my first and maybe only,
Chance to lift the curse forever,
Which path leads to freedom?

My heart says take the right path,
My mind still confused, unsure,
Must I leave all to fate again?
Which way is the happier one?