I walked into my home today,
It didn't feel quite the same,
Nothing was gone nor lost,
But I recognised nothing.
As I opened the door to enter,
I knew this was my safe place,
But I had nothing here except,
A broken memory of shadows.
As I rest in the chair I always do,
I feel no comfort as I formerly did,
Only a question remains within,
"What lost soul would wish to stay?"
As I ventured to my own chamber,
The place I slept for all these years,
Dreaming paradise with my angel,
Waking up with her further away.
I drew my eyes to the writings,
Writings scratched on the wall,
Written by my own right hand,
But why would I write as I do?
The words etched upon the wall,
They speak of unrelenting agony,
Agony that had been self inflicted,
What monster had possessed me?
I can't stay here a moment longer,
This is place is nothing but prison,
A prison which rapes the minds,
A prison which batters the souls.
Before I leave I must do one thing,
Since this house held me for ages,
I must prevent it corrupting others,
I must save others from purgatory.
I know what my duty calls of me,
I know what I must see done now,
This manifestation of purest evil,
Must be destroyed to save the aeons.
This monstrosity was birthed by fire,
With fire shall it have its last rites,
Burn down to ashes you hellspawn,
May your darkness never be seen.