The Clouds swarm the sky,
Preventing the rays to heal,
The Light of truth behind a lie,
The Light which I can't feel.
The Winds spins and paces,
The dust dancing in the gust,
A broken sky absent the graces,
The absent Light begets no trust.
The hidden Light leaves a cold,
Inciting a shiver in soul and spine,
Break the Clouds and Light take hold!
The Darkness feels no home of mine.
The Clouds turn and open an eye,
Turns its skyborn gaze upon me,
The burning rays from the sky,
A poisoned Light, a monstrosity.
Struck my soul and mind alike,
Draining me and reduced to knees,
A burning Light a hellish spike,
A burning flame without release.
But before the poisoned Light,
Could burn me to beyond vapour,
The ground split and what a sight!
Behold the hands of the Reaper.
The giant bone hands of Death,
Rupturing the Earth and freed,
Pulled my soul free from beneath,
Planting within me a dark seed.
The hands of the Reaper cold as ice,
Crushing my lifeless body in its grip,
For a soul to remove requires entice,
But the soul left, as blood began to drip.
The cold hands of the Reaper,
Robbed my soul from the world,
Freed me from the Lights demeanour,
As into Worlds Below I found myself hurled.