Monday, April 2, 2012

The Smile

I crossed the oceans,
I survived the desert,
It has been a tough,
And ruthless eight days.
The struggle shall not end,
It is a life fighting to live,
The journey must not end,
Unless it is an eternal rest.
But Fear reared its head,
And it dawned upon me,
"Eight days left me weak,
How would life survive?"
In quest of an answer,
I stumbled onto you,
I saw you truly happy,
Wearing a true smile.
I fixed my glaze and froze,
My eyes fixed upon you,
Admiring a true angel,
Bearing a wondrous smile.
I do love her more than anything,
I was well enchanted by her beauty,
I was well dazzled by her charm,
I was now stunned by her smile.
In that moment, I knew,
How I could survive all,
Her stunning smile showed,
The reason why its all worth it.
The moment couldn't be,
More than a few seconds,
But in those few seconds,
I fell in love all over again.

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